Wednesday, 29 April 2015
Wednesday 29th April 2015
1030 - 1110 windy, sunny breaks, 8c : Lesser Whitethroat, Blackcap, Chiffchaff, Swallow 8, House Martin 10, Sand Martin 3, Common Sandpiper, Oystercatcher, Lapwing 3, Common Tern 2, LBB Gull, BH Gull 8, GC Grebe 2, Shoveler pair, Tufted 15, Mallard 20, Coot 8, Moorhen 3, Heron 2, Mute Swan pair, Canada's 20, Buzzard, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Jackdaw 6, Magpie 5, C Crow at nest, Starling 6, Blackbird 5, Wren, Greenfinch, Goldfinch 2, Chaffinch, Great Tit, Blue Tit 2.Wren and drake Shoveler today.(GWR)
Monday, 27 April 2015
Monday 27th April 2015
At 1400 only a Common Sandpiper, Lapwing 2 & Swallow 3 were of interest.Photo is of a pair of Linnets on 18th April.
Sunday, 26 April 2015
Sunday 26th April 2015
1630 - 1720, sunny, breezy 10c : Oystercatcher, Lapwing 2, LBB Gull 2, Heron 2, Mute Swan pair, GC Grebe 2, Swallow 4, House Martin 5, Willow Warbler 2, Blackcap, Reed Bunting 2, Pied Wagtail 6 on grass verge, Green Woodpecker.
Saturday, 25 April 2015
Saturday 25th April 2015
1645 - 1730 overcast, breezy : Lesser Whitethroat, Whitethroat, Swallow & House Martin 40+, Sand Martin 6, Oystercatcher, LBB Gull 3, Herring Gull 2, Great Crested Grebe 2, Heron 2, Mute Swan pair, Moorhen 3, Coot 8, Pied Wagtail 2, Song Thrush, Blackbird 3, Greenfinch 2, Goldfinch 2, House Sparrow, Long Tailed Tit 2.
Friday, 24 April 2015
Friday 24th April 2015
1240 - Grey Wagtail pair seen along Westgate. 1330 - Only Oystercatcher, Lapwing 4, LBB Gull, Heron & Mute Swan pair of interest.
Photo - Pied Wagtail on 11th April.
Photo - Pied Wagtail on 11th April.
Thursday, 23 April 2015
Thursday 23rd April 2015
1140 - 1300 bright & sunny, 12c : GC Grebe 5, Heron, Oystercatcher, Lapwing, Buzzard 2, Skylark, Pied Wagtail, Whitethroat, Blackcap 2, Willow Warbler 2, Chiffchaff, Linnet 2, Bullfinch, Greenfinch, Chaffinch, Reed Bunting 2, Robin 4, Green Woodpecker 2. Also seen - Small Tortoiseshell 3, Peacock 7, Green-veined White 2, Large White, Orange Tip 3m & 1f.Photo's - record shots of Blackcap, Green Woodpecker & Green-veined White today.
Wednesday, 22 April 2015
Wednesday 22nd April 2015
0920 - 0940 sunny, 9c : Greylag Goose, Common Tern 3, Lapwing 3, LBB Gull juv, Heron 2, Mute Swan pair, GC Grebe 4, Willow Warbler, Pied Wagtail. Also what appears to be a dead Buzzard on the horse field. A female Brimstone was seen at 1240.Photo's - Swallows yesterday. (GWR)
Tuesday, 21 April 2015
Tuesday 21st April 2015
0930 - 1035, sunny, 12c : Swallow 2, Common Tern 3, Lapwing 4, Great Crested Grebe 6, Mute Swan pair, Heron 2, Whitethroat, Blackcap, Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff, Linnet 2, Bullfinch male, Goldfinch, Chaffinch, Skylark, Pied Wagtail, Blackbird, Mistle Thrush, Robin 2, Dunnock 4, Wren 2, Long Tailed Tit 2, Buzzard, Sparrowhawk mobbed by Swallows, Rook 2, etc. Also seen were Small Tortoiseshell 3, Peacock 2, Orange Tip male.Photo's - Whitethroat, Jackdaw & Rook today. (GWR)
Monday, 20 April 2015
Monday 20th April 2015
1130 - 1230 sunny but breezy, fairly quiet again (except for the road traffic being speed-checked by the police van) : Mallard one duck had 6 ducklings in tow, Coot one had 4 cootlets, Common Tern 2 (photo's), Herring Gull 3 + 2 juvs, LBB Gull, BH Gull 10, Lapwing 3, Heron 2, Mute Swan pair, GC Grebe 5, Swallow 5, Willow Warbler 2, Chiffchaff, Blackcap, Skylark, Linnet 2, Sparrowhawk, plus usuals. Also seen were Orange Tip 2m, Peacock 2, Small Tortoiseshell 3, Speckled Wood. (GWR)
Sunday, 19 April 2015
Sunday 19th April 2015
0900 - 0930 little of interest - Little Ringed Plover, Lapwing 3, Oystercatcher, GC Grebe 7, Common Tern 2, Swallow 5, Blackcap 2 males (1 shown), Willow Warbler, Pied Wagtail etc. At Stonnall Yellow Wagtail, Sand Martin 3, Swallow 4, Buzzard 2 & Skylark 2 were seen.
Saturday, 18 April 2015
Saturday 18th April 2015
0845 - 0950 sunny but strong Easterlies : Swallow 8, House Martin 3, Sand Martin 4, Common Sandpiper, Lapwing 4, Common Tern 2, Heron 2, Mute Swan pair, GC Grebe 5, Moorhen 5, Coot 8, Tufted 20, LBB Gull 2 & juv., Blackcap 1f & 2m, Willow Warbler, Pied Wagtail 2, Linnet 4, Goldfinch 3, Chaffinch, Bullfinch pair, Robin, Blackbird 2, Wren 2, LT Tit 4, Stock Dove, + usuals. At 1910 3 LRP, Com Sand & a Reed bunting were present.
Friday, 17 April 2015
Friday 17th April 2015
0830 - 0910 overcast 9c, cold breeze : Whitethroat, Willow Warbler, House Martin 2, Sand Martin 20, Swallow 30+, Common Sandpiper 2, Lapwing 3, Pied Wagtail 2, Mute Swan pair, Heron, LBB Gull juv, GC Grebe 5, Linnet pair, Jay 3 over. An evening visit produced LRP 6, Common Sandpiper 3, Common Tern 4 & 50 hirundines.(KC) Swallow, Sand Martins & House Martin today.
Thursday, 16 April 2015
Thursday 16th April 2015
0900 - 0930 cloudy, 9c : House Martin 3, Sand Martin, Swallow 5, Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff, Common Sandpiper 2, Little Ringed Plover 2, Lapwing 7, Common Tern, LBB Gull 2, Heron, Mute Swan pair, GC Grebe 3, Buzzard, etc. At 1500 an Oystercatcher & LBB Gull juv. were present. Willow Warbler in song. (GWR)
Wednesday, 15 April 2015
Wednesday 15th April 2015
0920 - 1045 sunny but breezy 11c : Common Sandpiper 2, Little Ringed Plover 2, Lapwing 5, Common Tern, LBB Gull 2, Wheatear 2, Willow Warbler 3, Chiffchaff 4, Pied Wagtail, Skylark 2, Reed Bunting m, Green Woodpecker, Mistle Thrush, Blackbird 3, Robin 2, Dunnock 3, Starling 2, Wren 2, Long Tailed Tit 4, Great Tit 3, Blue Tit 2, Linnet 2, Bullfinch pair, Greenfinch, Goldfinch 3, Chaffinch 2, Greylag, Canada 30, Mallard 30, Tufted 20, GC Grebe 7, BH Gull 20, Coot 6, Moorhen 3, Wood Pigeon 20, Magpie 10, Jackdaw 4, Carrion Crow 2, Sparrowhawk, Buzzard (40 species). Also seen - Peacock 5, Small Tortoiseshell 7, Speckled Wood, Orange Tip 2. Photo's show Wheatear, Speckled Wood and Orange Tip male today.
Tuesday, 14 April 2015
Tuesday 14th April 2015
0850 - 0940 sunny but blustery S.Westerlies : Common Sandpiper, Oystercatcher, Lapwing 4, Little Ringed Plover over, Wheatear, Willow Warbler 2, Chiffchaff 3, Gadwall 2, Skylark, Heron, Mute Swan 2, Coot 15, Moorhen 6, Goldfinch 4, Chaffinch 2, Robin 2, Blackbird 3, L T Tit 2, Sparrowhawk.
Photo's - Com Sand & Wheatear today. Wheatear is much sandier in colour than the birds of 11th & 13th April.
Monday, 13 April 2015
Monday 13th April 2015
1350 - 1420 becoming sunny but breezy, to 16c : Gadwall 2, Little Ringed Plover 2, Lapwing 4, Wheatear, Common Tern 2, LBB Gull 2, Heron, Mute Swan pair, Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff, Skylark, Pied Wagtail, Long Tailed Tit 2, Jackdaw 8.Common Tern & Gadwall today. (GWR)
Sunday, 12 April 2015
Sunday 12th April 2015
0830 - 0900 strong south-westerlies : Common Tern, Blackcap male, Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff, Swallow 8, Pied Wagtail, Meadow Pipit 2, Skylark, Great Spotted Woodpecker, GC Grebe 3, Mute Swan 2, Lapwing 4, Long Tailed Tit 2. A few record shots of yesterday's Swallows, Sand Martin, Peregrine, White Wag & LRP.
Saturday, 11 April 2015
Saturday 11th April 2015
0950 - 1020 sunny but westerlies picked up again : Willow Warbler in song, Chiffchaff in song, Swallow 4, Lapwing 2, GBB Gull, LBB Gull, Herring Gull, BH Gull 20, GC Grebe 3, Mute Swan pair at nest, Mallard 20, Tufted 15, Moorhen 2, Coot 10, Jackdaw 6, Song Thrush, Long Tailed Tit 2 etc. A visit between 1335 - 1440 added Sand Martin 7 (at last), Blackcap male, Willow Warbler 2 more at marsh, Chiffchaff 2 more, Oystercatcher 2, Bullfinch female, Goldfinch 4, Linnet 2, Chaffinch, Reed Bunting male, Skylark, Meadow Pipit, Robin, Blackbird 2, Dunnock, Wren 2, Great Tit, Stock Dove 2, Feral Pigeon 3 & Heron. Also Peacock, Comma & Small Tortoiseshell 2. Earlier a Blackcap and Chiffchaff were in song along Daw End canal.
Between 1645 - 1745 the following were seen - White Wagtail in Barns Lane horsefield, Little Ringed Plover 2, Sand Martin 10, Swallow 14, Green Woodpecker, Pied Wagtail, Collared Dove, Greenfinch, and a Peregrine stooped from high up in the north-east towards the west.(GWR)
Friday, 10 April 2015
Friday 10th April 2015
0940 - 1020 fine & sunny 10c : Wheatear (very distant shot enclosed), Greylag, Heron, Mute Swan pair, Lapwing 2, Pied Wagtail, LBB Gull juv, Moorhen 4, Coot 10, GC Grebe, Peacock, Small Tortoiseshell. Report of a Water Rail in March, clearly seen at west side of Swan Pool amongst reeds.
Thursday, 9 April 2015
Thursday 9th April 2015
Very little of interest at 0930 - Lapwing 6, BH Gull 62, GC Grebe 2, Mute Swan 2, Peacock, Small Tortoiseshell 2 etc
Wednesday, 8 April 2015
Wednesday 8th April 2015
1000 - 1115 sunny 12c : Lapwing 4, Shoveler 3, Tufted 17, Mallard 20+, Heron 2, Mute Swan pair at nest, GC Grebe 3, Coot 10, Moorhen 4, BH Gull 11, Canada's 20, Pied Wagtail, Reed Bunting 2, Linnet pair, Skylark, Meadow Pipit over, Chiffchaff, Long Tailed Tit 4, Great Tit 3, Starling 4, Blackbird 2, Wren 2, Dunnock, Song Thrush, Buzzard 2, Jay, Magpie 12, Jackdaw 4, Carrion Crow 3. Also seen were Peacock 5, Small Tortoiseshell 7, Comma 2. Photo's - male Reed Bunting and Linnet today.
Tuesday, 7 April 2015
Tuesday 7th April 2015
At dusk, 2015 : Pipistrelle Bat, probable Daubenton's Bat 3 over Swan Pool, Oystercatcher 2, Heron 3, Mute Swan 2, Great Crested Grebe, Buzzard, Tufted 15+, Coot 10, LBB Gull 3 over, BH Gull 2 over, Dunnock, Robin 2 in song, Blackbird.Also seen - Lapwing over Rushall.(GWR)
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