Tuesday, 28 February 2023

Tuesday 28th February 2023

1030-1200 showery 6c:  Goshawk over to quarry, Goldcrest, Greenfinch 2, Redwing 2, Song & Mistle Thrush in song, Raven 2, Kestrel m, Sparrowhawk, Stock Dove, Com Gull 6, Bh Gull c300, Oystercatcher, Dabchick 2, GC Grebe, Little Egret 5, Cormo 11, Goosander pair, Wigeon 5, Shoveler 6, Teal 10, etc.   (GR)

Greenfinch, Kestrel & Redwing today

Saturday, 25 February 2023

Saturday 25th February 2023

0815-0930 & 1300-1400 light cloud, cold wind, 2 - 4c:  Pochard 8, Wigeon 5, Gadwall pair, Shoveler 5, Teal 10, GC Grebe 3, L Grebe 3, Little Egret 8, Cormo 7, Lapwing c80, Oystercatcher, Common Gull 8, GBb Gull 4, Sparrowhawk, Jay, Pied Wagtail 4.  Also Red Deer 14.   (GR / RP)

G C Grebe & Greylag (RP)

14 Red Deer (GR)

Thursday, 23 February 2023

Thursday 23rd February 2023

13:30 sunny 7c:  Little Egret 8, Little Grebe 4, GC Grebe 4, Heron, Greylag 3, Cormorant 9, GBb Gull only 2, etc.   (GR)

Raven 20/02 & Egrets today

Wednesday, 22 February 2023

Wednesday 22nd February 2023

1030-1230 cloudy & windy, 7c:  Little Egret 6, Oystercatcher 2, Snipe, Lapwing 80 + 115 Mckechnie's, Dabchick 2, GC Grebe 4, Pochard 10, Wigeon 4m, Shoveler 4m, Teal 10, Gadwall pair, Goosander, Pied Wagtail 5, Cetti's Warbler, Stonechat m, Redwing 5, Song Thrush 3, Goldcrest, House Sparrow 4.   (GR / RP)

Cormorant on 14/02 (GR)

5 of 6 Egrets today (GR)

Redwing on 16/02 (RP)

Monday, 20 February 2023

Monday 20th February 2023

1100-1300 cloudy, breezy, 11c:  Yellow-legged Gull ad, Com Gull 3, M Swan 18, Shoveler m, Wigeon 6, Pochard 8, Gadwall 2, Teal 16, Little Egret 3, GC Grebe 2, Oystercatcher, Kingfisher, Green Woodpecker, GS Woodpecker, Raven 2, Sparrowhawk f, Grey Wagtail, Cetti's Warbler, Stonechat m, Greenfinch 3, Bullfinch pair, etc.   (GR / RP)

Male Blackcap at Rushall again, also 4 Buzzards circling.

          Green Woodpecker, Stonechat & Yellow-legged Gull (GR)

Saturday, 18 February 2023

Saturday 18th February 2023

1300 - 1400 cloudy, windy 12c:  Greenfinch, Redwing 5, Goldcrest, Treecreeper, Rook 4, Raven 2, Common Gull 3, Lapwing 150, L Egret 4, GC Grebe 2, Cormo. 5, Greylag, usual ducks, etc.   (RP) (GR)

At Rushall a male Sparrowhawk caught and ate a Blue Tit (photo's).

Thursday, 16 February 2023

Thursday 16th February 2023

1000 - 1215 cloudy 10c:  Treecreeper, Stonechat f, Mistle Thrush, Song Thrush, Redwing 12, Bullfinch 2, Green Woodpecker, Jay 2, Pied Wagtail 8, Buzzard, Caspian Gull 1w, Common Gull, Oystercatcher 2, Lapwing c200, Little Egret 6, Heron, Dabchick 2, GC Grebe 2, Pochard 11, Wigeon 6, Gadwall 3, Shoveler 3, Teal 8, Tufted 38, Greylag, etc.   (RP / GR)

Stonechat, Treecreeper & Buzzard

Tuesday, 14 February 2023

Tuesday 14th February 2023

1030-1230 misty becoming sunny, 8c:  Goosander pair, Gadwall 4, Shoveler 5, Pochard 9, Wigeon 10, Little Egret 4, Little Grebe 2, Snipe, Oystercatcher 2, Kestrel f, Jay, Rook 2, Mistle Thrush in song, Chaffinch 5, Meadow Pipit, etc.   Also Red Deer 4, Fox 2, and the first Buff-tailed Bumblebee of the year.   (GR)

Siskin on 12/02 & Red Deer

Monday, 13 February 2023

Monday 13th February 2023

Sunny 9c:  An afternoon visit added Great Crested Grebe. The first winter Caspian Gull was present again & 3 Little Egrets were at Swan Pool.  A male Blackcap was seen at Rushall.

Grebe & Blackcap today (GR)

Sunday, 12 February 2023

Sunday 12th February 2023

1030 on, cloudy/dull 8c:  Siskin 3, Greenfinch 2, Bullfinch pair, Blackbird 13, Sparrowhawk 2 together chasing domestic doves, Collared Dove 2, Wigeon 9, Pochard, Teal 16, Little Grebe.   (GR)

Coot on 11/02 (RP)

Gulls & swans (GR)

Saturday, 11 February 2023

Saturday 11th February 2023

1300-1500 cloudy 10c:  Teal 28, Wigeon 5, Shoveler 4, Gadwall 5, Snipe 6, Oystercatcher 2, Lapwing 185 at McKech's + 20 on west field, Moorhen 24, Little Egret 3, Glaucous Gull juv, Common Gull 3 McKech's, Kestrel f, Sparrowhawk f, Buzzard, Greenfinch 2, Wren 9, etc.   (RP / GR)

Tawny Owl calling at Linley Wood from 18:20 onwards.

Glaucous & Egrets (GR/RP)

Glaucous & Iceland 29/01 (GE)

Thursday, 9 February 2023

Thursday 9th February 2023

1000-1200 sunny 6c, little change:  Pochard f, Wigeon 6, Shoveler 8, Teal f, Gadwall 6, Tufted 32, Dabchick 2, Little Egret 3, Oystercatcher 2, Glaucous Gull juv, Caspian Gull 1w, Raven 2, Sparrowhawk, GS Woodpecker, Mistle Thrush 2, Siskin 2, etc.   (GR / RP / JA)

Jackdaw 07/02/23 (GR)

Song Thrush 02/02/23 (RP)

Tuesday, 7 February 2023

Tuesday 7th February 2023

1000-1240 sunny 8c:  M Swan 18, Greylag, Teal 7, Wigeon 7, Pochard 6, Shoveler 5, Tufted 38, Gadwall 8, Little Egret 3, Dabchick 4, Oystercatcher 2, Snipe 3, Lapwing 20, Glaucous Gull juv, Raven 2, Jay, Carrion Crow 100+ at landfill, Sparrowhawk f, Blackbird 11, Song Thrush 2 in song, Chiffchaff, Chaffinch 4, House Sparrow 8, Reed Bunting.   (RP / JA / GR)

Mallards today (RP)

Can't you read!

Gulls Bearing Leg Rings

A selection of gulls seen recently, that were too distant or light too low to read the rings. 3 Black-headed's and a Lesser Black-backed.   (GR)

Monday, 6 February 2023

Monday 6th February 2023

1400:  At Westgate this bat (probably a Pipistrelle) was flying around in bright sunshine (8c) looking for a roosting site in factory buildings etc.

At Stubbers the Glaucous Gull juv was again present, as was a male Goosander and 4 Pochard, plus usual species.   (GR)

Sunday, 5 February 2023

Sunday 5th February 2023

1000-1430 hazy sun, 3-7c:  Oystercatcher, Snipe 9, Lapwing 235 at McKechnie's pool, Water Rail, Little Egret 3, Little Grebe 4, Moorhen 37, Peregrine at Ibstock quarry, Sparrowhawk, Buzzard 2, Kingfisher, Pied Wagtail 2, C Crow 74 at quarry, Raven 2, Rook, Stock Dove 2, Teal 29, Gadwall 5, Shoveler 7, Wigeon pair, M Swan 15 + 1 at McKech's, Wren 8, Goldcrest 2, Cetti's Warbler gave songburst, Redwing 5, Song Thrush 3, Bullfinch 3m &f, Greenfinch m, Chaffinch m, Linnet m, Redpoll over, Reed Bunting 2, Com. Gull, Caspian Gull 1w, Glaucous Gull juv, etc.    Also Red Deer 3 at quarry & 6 at floods, Red Fox 2.    (GR / RP)

Bullfinch & Reed Bunting

Oystercatcher (ringed) today