Monday, 31 August 2015

Monday 31st August 2015

1400 - 1500 drizzle, 14c : Sand Martin 4, House Martin 12, Swallow 35, Common Sandpiper, Lapwing 29, Green Woodpecker adult + juv., Chiffchaff 2, Pied Wagtail 3, Goldfinch 5, Wren, Dunnock, Robin 3, Blackbird 3, Starling 30, Long-tailed Tit 2, Blue Tit, Jackdaw 3, Carrion Crow 4, Magpie 8, Feral Pigeon 25, Wood Pigeon 20+, Collared Dove, Cormorant 2, Mute Swan pair + cyg., Heron 2, Great Crested Grebe, Moorhen 8, Coot 10, Mallard 50+, Sparrowhawk.
Juvenile Moorhens yesterday, 1st and 2nd broods.

Sunday, 30 August 2015

Sunday 30th August 2015

1345 - 1400 drizzle, 15c : Great Crested Grebe, Greylag 2, Cormorant 3, Heron, Mute Swan pair + cyg., Moorhen 11, Tufted 2, Pied Wagtail 4, Lapwing 16, Lesser Black-backed Gull 26, Swallow 6, Goldfinch 2, Long-tailed Tit 2, Collared Dove 3, Blackbird, Robin 2. Jay 2 at Linley Wood.

Saturday, 29 August 2015

Saturday 29th August 2015

1120 - 1330 fairly sunny, to 20c (includes quarry & canal) : Cormorant 2, Mute Swan pair + cyg., Heron, Canada's 150+, Tufted 6, Mallard 80+, LBb Gull 200+, Herring Gull 14, Bh Gull 60+, Moorhen 8 incl young, Coot 10, Lapwing 21, Pied Wagtail 2, Chiffchaff, Swallow 12, Long-tailed Tit 4, Dunnock, Bullfinch 2, Goldfinch 2, Wren, Robin 3, Blackbird, Buzzard, Sparrowhawk etc. House Martin 15 over Dumblederry Lane at 2000.
Also seen - Holly Blue, Common Blue 4, Speckled Wood 5, Meadow Brown 5, Hedge Brown 3, Red Admiral, Small White 9, Large White, Purple-Gold Mint Moth 3, Mother of Pearl, Yellow Shell, Cinnabar 5 larvae, Common Blue Damselfly 8, Common Darter 5, Brown Hawker 4, Southern Hawker. (LB / GWR) . Photo's show Common Darter, Purple-Gold & Red Admiral.

Thursday, 27 August 2015

Thursday 27th August 2015

1230 - 1330 fairly sunny, breezy, to 18c :Cormorant 3, Heron 2, Mute Swan pair + juv, Tufted Duck pair, Moorhen 6, Coot 12, Lapwing 21, LBb Gull 13, Bh Gull 12, Chiffchaff 2, 1 in song!, Swallow 2, Bullfinch pair, Goldfinch 3, Jay, Sparrowhawk, Buzzard, Starling 9, Dunnock 2, Wren 2, Robin. Mallard pair at quarry.
Also seen - Common Blue, Small/Essex Skipper (worn), Speckled Wood 4, Hedge Brown 3, Small White 2. Photo : quarry today.

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Wednesday 26th August 2015

1330 - 1430 sunny breaks, breezy, 16c : Cormorant 3, Heron, Mute Swan pair + 1, Moorhen 7, Coot 10, Lapwing 2, LBB Gull 16, Herring Gull, BH Gull 40, Pied Wagtail 2, Sparrowhawk seen twice, mobbed by Swallows, also one over Middlemore Ln, Swallow 12, House Martin 3, Chiff/Willow 3, Collared Dove 3, Goldfinch 8 at thistles, Chaffinch male, Robin, Wren 2, Long-tailed Tit 11, Great Tit, Blue Tit 2, Starling 12, Jackdaw 2, Carrion Crow, Magpie 6, plus usual Mallard/Canada's/Wood Pigeon numbers.
Also seen - Holly Blue, Vapourer & Small White.

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Tuesday 25th August 2015

1330, drizzle : Cormorant 5, Heron, Herring Gull 21, Lesser Black-backed Gull 212, Black-headed Gull 60, Mute Swan pair, Swallow 8, House Martin 3, Lapwing 3, Moorhen 5.

Monday, 24 August 2015

Monday 24th August 2015

1030 - 1100 overcast,damp, 14c : Swallow 5, House Martin 8, Sand Martin 2, Whitethroat, Cormorant 4, Heron, Mute Swan pair + 1, Moorhen 8, Collared Dove 6, Pied Wagtail 3, Long-tailed Tit 2, Robin, Goldfinch 6, Black-headed Gull 3, LBB Gull 2, etc.
Whitethroat on 11th August 2015. (GWR)

Saturday, 22 August 2015

Saturday 22nd August 2015

Daw End Canal (near Park Lime Pits) 0700 : Swallow 9, House Martin 2, Pied Wagtail 5, Bullfinch, Greenfinch 2, Goldfinch 3, Long-tailed Tit 2, Moorhen 2, Mallard 2, Canada Geese 10 in field, Blackbird 3, Sparrowhawk.

Friday, 21 August 2015

Friday 21st August 2015

Quick look in passing at 1520 : Goldfinch flock of 20 feeding on thistle seeds, Long-tailed Tit 11, Swallow 3, Chiffchaff, Great Tit 3, Heron, Mute Swan pair.

Thursday, 20 August 2015

Thursday 20th August 2015

1015 - 1100 light cloud, 16c : Heron 3, Mute Swan pair + cygnet, Cormorant 3, Teal female, Tufted male, Moorhen 6, Coot 9, Sparrowhawk & probable Hobby both distantly circling over quarry, Lapwing 21, Lesser Black-backed Gull 4, Black-headed Gull 11, Pied Wagtail, Starling 3, Robin 2, Wren 2, Dunnock 2, House Sparrow 2, Goldfinch 12, Linnet 2, Collared Dove 11, Swallow 4, House Martin 2, Jackdaw, Carrion Crow 3, Magpie 5, usual Canada's/Mallard/Wood Pigeon. Also seen - Hedge Brown 3, Peacock, Small White 2.
Heron and 5 of the Collared Doves today.

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Tuesday 18th August 2015

A quick look at 1100, cloudy, 16c : Cormorant 2, Heron 3, Mute Swan pair + 1, Moorhen 5, LBb/Herring Gull 98, Bh Gull 70, Lapwing 39, Starling 20, Goldfinch, Swallow 2.
Cinnabar larvae on Ragwort today. (GWR)

Monday, 17 August 2015

Monday 17th August 2015

1030 - 1130 hazy sun, to 18c : Cormorant 2, Greylag, Heron 2, Mute Swan 2 + 1, Canada's 150+, Mallard 70+, Lapwing 61, Bh Gull, LBb Gull 2, Moorhen 8, Coot 10+, Pied Wagtail, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Starling 6, Blackbird 3, Robin, Dunnock 2, Wren 3, Long-tailed Tit 3, Blue Tit 3, Great Tit, Swallow 4, House Martin 2, Chiffchaff/Willow W 2, Goldfinch 13, Greenfinch, Carrion Crow 3, Magpie 4, Wd Pigeon 10+, Buzzard.
Also seen - Flame Carpet (photo), Mother of Pearl, Hedge Brown 13, Meadow Brown 3, Speckled Wood 7, Small White 5, Green-veined White, Common Blue, Common Red Darter, Brown Hawker. Holly Blue at Barns Lane.(GWR)

Saturday, 15 August 2015

Saturday 15th August 2015

1600 - 1630 fairly sunny, 18c : Grey Wagtail, Pied Wagtail 2, Lapwing 21, LBB/Herring Gull 51, BH Gull 5, Moorhen 8, Coot 10+, Heron, Mute Swan pair + cygnet, Swallow 2, Starling 33, Goldfinch 2, usual Mallard & Canada's. Linley Wood 1730 - 1800 : Great Spotted Woodpecker (photo), Chiffchaff/Willow Warbler 3, Jay, Jackdaw 2, Buzzard, Linnet 2 over, Blackbird 3, Goldfinch 2, Wren, Stock Dove 2, Blue & Great Tits 10+. Also Large White 2, Small White 7, Speckled Wood 2, Peacock. Winterley Lane 1810 : House Martin 4.

Friday, 14 August 2015

Friday 14th August 2015

0930 - 1000 rain, 14c : Cormorant 2, Heron, Mute Swan pair, Moorhen 7, Coot 10, Lapwing 66, Mallard 40+, Black-headed Gull 40+ at brickworks field, Jackdaw, Carrion Crow 3, Magpie 5, Starling 13, Dunnock, Wren, Robin 2, Blackbird 3, Song Thrush, Goldfinch 2, Swallow 3, Whitethroat, Blackcap male & 2 females feeding on blackberries/insects, Chiffchaff.
Blackcap male & female and Whitethroat today. (GWR)

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Tuesday 11th August 2015

0840 - 1000 light cloud, 17c : Cormorant 3, Mute Swan pair + juv, Heron 2, Lapwing 88, LBB Gull 56, Herring Gull 2, BH Gul1 50+, Moorhen 6, Coot 11, Swallow 4, House Martin 3, Swift 2, Whitethroat, Goldfinch flock of 22 at thistles including juvs, Greenfinch, Linnet 2, Long-tailed Tit 4, Blue Tit 2, Robin 4, Blackbird 2, Song Thrush, Dunnock, Wren 2, Starling 21, Green Woodpecker, Jay 2, Carrion Crow 3, Jackdaw, Magpie 8, Buzzard, + usual Mallard/Canada's/Wood Pigeon. Hedge Brown 2. Sparrowhawk over Dumblederry Lane at 1550.
Robin and Song Thrush today.(GWR)

Sunday, 9 August 2015

Sunday 9th August 2015

Early evening : YL Gull 2, LBB Gull 211, Herring Gull 16, BH Gull 300+, Lapwing 105, Cormorant 3, Greylag, Collared Dove 6 (KC). Heron & Mute Swan pair at 1900. At 2330 a Tawny Owl was calling from the Linley Wood area.
Photo shows White-letter Hairstreak (and Small Tortoiseshell) at Rushall on buddleia on 7th August.

Friday, 7 August 2015

Friday 7th August 2015

1015 : Brewood Ringers - Wood Warbler trapped & ringed at the marsh amongst 21 species this morning, including Blackcap. At 1550 250+ large gulls dropped in to bathe, including at least 1 Yellow-legged & 7 Herring. Also seen - Cormorant, Heron, Mute Swan pair, Lapwing 77, Pied Wagtail, Swallow 3.

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Tuesday 4th August 2015

1110 very quiet : Heron, Mute Swan pair + 1, Swift 3, Swallow 2, Moorhen. Wren, Green Woodpecker yaffling + usual geese & mallards. Report of escaped Harris's Hawk.
Photo shows seven Cormorants on 22nd July.

Monday, 3 August 2015

Monday 3rd August 2015

1100 - 1130 , warm, strong SW wind, 18c : Cormorant 4, Mute Swan pair + only 1 cygnet left, Heron 2, Greylag, Lapwing 89, LBB / Herring Gull 177, BH Gull 120+, Swallow 2, Blackbird 2, Collared Dove 3 (photo), Moorhen etc.

Saturday, 1 August 2015

Saturday 1st August 2015

0930 strong SW wind : Great Spotted Woodpecker, Oystercatcher, Cormorant 3, Heron, Herring Gull 7, LBB Gull 71, BH Gull 75, Jackdaw 3, Tufted 2, Swallow 5, Dunnock.
Field Grasshopper (brown form) on 11th July 2015. (GWR)