Sunday, 31 August 2014

Saturday 30th August 2014

1845 - 2000 : Swift 8, Swallow 35, L B B Gull 16, B H Gull 100+, some feeding on berries of Elder bush!, Lapwing 110, Jackdaw 225 to north-west in loose flocks, Mute Swan 3, Great Crested Grebe 2, Moorhen 6, Coot 10, Heron 2, Tufted Duck 6, Feral White duck, Mallard 50+, Canada's 100+, Grey Wagtail, Pied Wagtail, Chaffinch male, Dunnock, Wren, Blackbird, Robin, Blue Tit, Starling 10, Wood Pigeon 15, Feral Pigeon 4 at Westgate, Carrion Crow 4, Magpie 3.

Friday, 29 August 2014

Friday 29th August 2014

1420 - 1520 strong SW winds - L B B Gull 111, B H Gull 150+, Herring Gull 8, Cormorant 7, Greylag 2, Heron, Mute Swan 3, Tufted 4, Coot 20+, Moorhen, Swift 3, Sand Martin 2, Swallow 10, Pied Wagtail 2, Jay, Starling 70+ feeding at elderberries, Lapwing 95, Canada's 150+, Mallard 50+, White Duck, Jackdaw 6, Carrion Crow 3, Magpie 2, Wood Pigeon 8. Also two Sparrowhawks were seen circling over at 1620 on 28th June.
Photo's show one of two Yellow-legged Gulls this afternoon. The mantle was certainly a paler shade of grey than the surrounding Lesser Black-backed's, but there was no red orbital ring. (GWR)

Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Tuesday 26th August 2014

Of note at 1120 - Swift 8, Lapwing 50+, Mute Swan 3, L B B Gull 2, Great Crested Grebe.

Friday, 22 August 2014

Friday 22nd August 2014.

1030 - Cormorant 6, Lapwing 7, L B B Gull 7, B H Gull 61, Pied Wagtail, Tufted 2, Moorhen 3, Coot 12+, Mute Swan 3, Heron 4, Greylag, Starling 6, Willow Warbler, Wren, Robin, Greenfinch, Swallow 8, House Martin 2, plus usual numbers of Carrion Crow, Magpie, Wood Pigeon, Mallard & Canada's.
Photo's - Lapwing flocks on 16th August. (GWR)

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Tuesday 19th August 2014

0930 - 1000 cold north-westerly : Swift 2, House Martin 8, Swallow 5, Cormorant 10, Heron, Mute Swan 3, Lapwing 131, Teal, Moorhen 3, Coot 20+, Jackdaw 27 over, Carrion Crow 4, Magpie 2, Starling 20, Buzzard, L B B Gull 17, B H Gull 40+, Wren, Blackbird, Pied Wagtail 3 at Westgate.
Photo - Swift in silhouette 17th August. (GWR)

Saturday, 16 August 2014

Saturday 16th August 2014

Of note 1100 - Buzzard, Lapwing 54, Lesser Black-backed Gull 25, Cormorant 4, Heron, Greylag, Moorhen 4, Tufted 4, Mute Swan 3, Pied Wagtail, Swallow 3, Wren, Collared Dove. 8 Swifts seen flying around at 2030.

Friday, 15 August 2014

Friday 15th August 2014

0930 - 1000 (12c) : Kingfisher, Cormorant 7, Heron 2,, Greylag, Lapwing 38, L B B Gull 22, B H Gull 60, Mute Swan 3, Moorhen 4, Coot 15, Pied Wagtail 2, Chiffchaff, Sand Martin 2, Swift 2, Starling 10, Goldfinch 3, Magpie 6, Carrion Crow 3, Wood Pigeon 10+, Mallard 50+, Canada's 100+.

Monday, 11 August 2014

Monday 11th August 2014

1200 - 1220 (v.windy) - L B B Gull 20, Herring Gull 2, B H Gull 16, Heron, Mute Swan 3, Cormorant 4, Greylag, Moorhen 6, Lapwing 77, Pied Wagtail 3, Greenfinch, Jackdaw 2, Sand Martin etc.
Photo - juvenile Cormorant. (GWR)

Saturday, 9 August 2014

Saturday 9th August 2014

Of note 0915 - Great Black-backed Gull 4, Herring Gull, Lesser Black-backed Gull 3, Cormorant 8, Mute Swan 2 + juv., Heron 3, Greylag, Lapwing 100+, Canada's 100+, G C Grebe, Swallow 5, Sand Martin 3, Willow Warbler.
Photo - Swallow (probably a young bird) on lamp post today. (GWR)

Friday, 8 August 2014

Friday 8th August 2014

0945 - 1015 : Cormorant 2 juv, Heron 4, Mute Swan pair + cyg., Canada's 100+, Greylag, Oystercatcher, Lapwing 133, G C Grebe 2, Coot 12, Moorhen 5, White Duck, Mallard 50+, B H Gull 5, L B B Gull 4, Swift 6, Swallow 5, House Martin 5, Starling 8 juv,. Robin, Wren, Greenfich, Linnet, Pied Wagtail, House Sparrow, Jackdaw 6, Carrion Crow 7, Magpie 2, Wood Pigeon 12+, Buzzard 2 soaring over later.
Also seen - Vapourer, Comma (missing hindwing, see photo), Peacock 3, Small White, Meadow Brown.

Monday, 4 August 2014

Sunday 3rd August 2014

Fairly quiet again, all 3 hirundines seen + swifts.
Photo : Sand Martin. (PPN)

Friday, 1 August 2014

Friday 1st August 2014

Attention ! - visits to the site to be reduced to two or three per week from August, with perhaps a once-weekly bird count.. Little of interest today at 1430 - L B B Gull 18, Herring Gull 2, Heron 4, Pied Wagtail, Lapwing 100+.